Friday 25 July 2014

Sasha wants to tell you about her week.....

Hello to all my friends around the world.....

I have been feeling really good this week thanks to my wonderful friend Anne in Germany who sent me some lovely treats - chicken chewy sticks and a wonderful red heart. She also sent me a fantastic tonic to help me feel better - and it works!

The tonic worked so well that I have been back to work this week helping to put up the new Park Hall gates. This is me supervising the operation ensuring the gates are correctly installed...

I even got involved in the complicated electrical work ensuring the gates would open and close automatically. Without my assistance they might not have worked properly and we could have had some rather squashed cars...tee hee!

Well all that excitment has quite exhausted me so it is time now for a little rest...

Can you see me waving goodbye to you and sending you lots of love??

From your Sasha Baby!


  1. Oh yes, we can see your goodby waving!
    It was a great pleasure for us, to send you some little things to help you feeling better.
    As we can see now, you are very busy and concentratet to do your work at Park Ford.
    But please, take care of yourself!
    We love you and send big cuddles..
    Your friends from Germany
    Mrs.B. and Mr.A.

    and give all the other Toosey bears hugs from us and a big hug from "Mum to Mum" ;-)

    1. Thank you so much Anne for your kindness and love for us little Tooseys. Sasha is so much brighter and enjoying everyday. We cannot thank you enough!

      Lots of Love from your special friends The Tooseys xxx

  2. Glad you feeling better Sasha baby lots of love xxx

    1. Hi Barney Boo Bear.....I so love your name!

      Yes I am feeling so much better and just love going out everyday helping on the farm. Everyone is taking good care of me and I thrive on all the extra attention.

      I am not too spoilt though as I am a little over weight so cannot have too many extra treats but instead I am given lots of love & cuddles....

      I can live on that!

      Thank you Barney Boo Bear for your love,

      from your Sasha Baby!
